Unlocking the Full Potential of Inheritance and Encapsulation in Python

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Chapter 1: Understanding OOP Foundations

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is built upon four fundamental concepts: inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction. In particular, inheritance and encapsulation are essential for structuring code, promoting reusability, ensuring program integrity, and safeguarding sensitive information.

This article delves into the principles of inheritance and encapsulation in Python, examining best practices, benefits, limitations, and practical examples.

Section 1.1: What is Inheritance?

Inheritance enables the creation of a new class (subclass) derived from an existing class (base class). This allows the subclass to inherit attributes and methods from the base class automatically. Subclasses can modify or expand the inherited functionalities to meet specific needs while preserving core characteristics defined in the base class.

As a result, inheritance enhances code reusability, reduces redundancy, and establishes clear hierarchical relationships among related objects.

Section 1.2: What is Encapsulation?

Encapsulation involves grouping data and the methods that manipulate that data within a single unit (class), while concealing internal workings behind public interfaces. When implemented effectively, encapsulation fosters strong cohesion, loose coupling, and secure management of private states.

Key techniques include limiting access to mutable fields, using non-public identifiers (e.g., _variable_name or __variable_name), and providing controlled access points through setter and getter methods.

Subsection 1.2.1: Merging Inheritance and Encapsulation

To fully leverage both inheritance and encapsulation, it is beneficial to design a class hierarchy that reflects the problem domain, identifying suitable candidates for inheritance while encapsulating critical components appropriately.

A prime example of these principles in action is modeling geometric shapes. Each shape shares fundamental properties (such as name, area, and perimeter) yet employs distinct algorithms for computation based on its geometry.

Section 1.3: Base Shape Class

First, we will create a generic Shape class that embodies basic features applicable to all derived figures:

class Shape:

def __init__(self, name):

"""Initializer.""" = name

self._area = None

self._perimeter = None


def area(self):

"""Getter for area."""

return self._area


def area(self, value):

"""Setter for area."""

self._area = value


def perimeter(self):

"""Getter for perimeter."""

return self._perimeter


def perimeter(self, value):

"""Setter for perimeter."""

self._perimeter = value

def calculate_properties(self):

"""Abstract method to compute area and perimeter."""


It is important to note that the calculate_properties method is not defined here; it serves merely as a placeholder to emphasize the responsibility of concrete subclasses. The naming convention for _area and _perimeter indicates their visibility restrictions beyond the class.

Section 1.4: Circle Class

Now, we will introduce a specialized Circle class that inherits from the Shape class, thus taking advantage of its predefined interface:

import math

class Circle(Shape):

def __init__(self, radius):



self.radius = radius

def calculate_properties(self):

"""Calculates circle's area and perimeter."""

self.area = math.pi * pow(self.radius, 2)

self.perimeter = 2 * math.pi * self.radius

As demonstrated, the Circle class is dedicated to calculating its properties without the burden of repetitive tasks that the Shape class handles. Thanks to the encapsulation guidelines employed earlier, we can update the inherited attributes (_area and _perimeter) through designated setters, ensuring compliance with established standards.

Section 1.5: Rectangle Class

In a similar vein, we can create a Rectangle class that builds upon the capabilities provided by the Shape class:

class Rectangle(Shape):

def __init__(self, width, height):



self.width = width

self.height = height

def calculate_properties(self):

"""Calculates rectangle's area and perimeter."""

self.area = self.width * self.height

self.perimeter = 2 * (self.width + self.height)

Upon reviewing the Rectangle class, it is evident how seamlessly it integrates into the overarching structure, leveraging the foundation laid by the Shape class while benefiting from encapsulation constraints.

Section 1.6: Test Drive

To verify that our implementation functions correctly, let's conduct a test:

circle = Circle(5)

rectangle = Rectangle(4, 6)



print(f"Area of circle: {circle.area}")

print(f"Perimeter of circle: {circle.perimeter}")

print(f"Area of rectangle: {rectangle.area}")

print(f"Perimeter of rectangle: {rectangle.perimeter}")

Expected Output:

Area of circle: 78.53981633974483

Perimeter of circle: 31.41592653589793

Area of rectangle: 24

Perimeter of rectangle: 20

Success! Our implementation effectively combines the principles of inheritance and encapsulation, resulting in a concise, maintainable, and extensible solution ready for deployment.

Chapter 2: Conclusion

Utilizing inheritance and encapsulation wisely enhances development efficiency, lowers maintenance costs, and paves the way for robust architectures. By adhering to industry conventions, embracing best practices, and continuously refining skills, developers can solidify their expertise in these fundamental disciplines, ultimately leading to improved code quality and long-term success.

This video provides a comprehensive overview of Object-Oriented Programming principles in Python, focusing on inheritance, encapsulation, and real-world examples.

In this video, the core pillars of Object-Oriented Programming—encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction—are thoroughly explained with practical examples.